Tuesday 14 February 2012

My weekend

Wow, I feel like I haven’t been on blogger in forever!  In my last post I said that I was going to try and have a proper weekend instead of doing nothing like I normally do.  I actually managed ok.


I got up in the morning and went and visited the dog I am pet sitting.  She is such a delight.  I was convinced that she was going to have the puppies during the weekend I was looking after her.  She did not, phew!!


Look at that little face :)  I love bulldogs, so ugly that they’re cute.

I came home and baked.  I think I will put up the recipe for it but just to whet your appetite (pun!!!!!!), here is a picture.


Chocolate chip cookie stuffed with Oreo.  YUM!!!!!

Then my lovely friend Kristy came over and we went to see a movie with Girl Roomie.  The movie was rated R and I got carded.  I am 26 and I had to show my ID to prove that I was over 18.  I *will* be thankful of this once I’m older!

We came home afterwards, had dinner and a couple glasses of wine and then did what normal people do when they’ve had a few glasses of wine.  Stalk people from high school via Facebook.  Then we got bummed out because everyone was saving the world in exotic locations /engaged/ married/ had babies. 


I was all pumped to go to church but I literally have no idea where the time went and by the time I was ready, church would have been half over :(  Went and visited the dog again.

Came home and hopped in the pool, it was a beautiful sunny day and I floated around and read my book.  Boy Roomie’s extended family came over including his little nephew, who is always terrified of me when he turns up at the house.  But by the end of the visit, he was loving me because we played together in the pool and I played soccer with him afterwards.  He has an impressive kick already!

I got major burned in the chestal area.  I hadn’t intended to be in the pool that long but I got sidetracked playing with cutie pie.  Thank goodness my face moisturiser is also sunscreen.  I hate getting burned, it’s so bad!!

And that was my weekend. I'll post my 'February' photos soon


Suzy Marie said...

This sounds like a lovely weekend! That cookie looks amazing, I'm quite obsessed with Oreos at the moment so I'm sure I'd love it. Also, I get ID'd all the time, I too am hoping that I will eventually be thankful about it! I'm so jealous that you had a laze around in the pool with a book. If I tried to do that here I'd simply be sat on a lilo on a layer of ice.

Emily grapes said...

haha, what a fun weekend it looks like you had!!

Trust me, getting carded is a beautiful thing. Enjoy it NOW!!

Glad the little boy warmed up to you. Its always awkward when they don't, ya know?!
Emily at Amazing Grapes

Janette said...

At first glance I thought that was an oreo stuffed inside of some cornbread..and I thought, "My kind of woman!" Haha! But I'm still loving the chocolate chip thing you got going on too!

Janette the Jongleur

PS. i love cornbread.. like...LOOOVE

pps.. that pup is the cutest thing ever!

Janice said...

Yumm that cookie looks awesome! I'm not much of a baker (I'm more of an eater) but I was wise enough to live with a roomie who is good at cooking. Shes making Guinness cupcakes with Bailey's frosting as I write this ;) Recipe if youre interested: http://www.suzybakes.com/cupcakes/guinness-cupcakes-with-baileys-frosting/

Sounds like you had a great weekend!!

Abigail said...

Day at the pool sounds lovely. It's cold and rainy here... I could use some sunshine and swimming pools.

Also, Facebook stalking after a few glasses of wine is always the best/worst idea. :)

I'll e-mail you back soon-- this weekend/week has been so busy!